Essential Kitchen Cabinet Features for Storage & Design

When designing a functional and efficient kitchen, cabinets are one of the most important features that shouldn't be overlooked.

In addition to storing kitchen essentials, cabinets contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of a home. Choosing the correct type of cabinets that offer both storage and design features based on your preferences is essential for a stylish yet versatile cooking space. Let's explore some convenient features for optimising storage space and improving the kitchen's overall functionality.

Lazy Susan Kitchen Storage for Corner Cabinets

One common problem with corner kitchen cabinets is that they can be challenging to access and often become a dumping ground for random items. Installing a Lazy Susan is an excellent solution to this problem! They are rotating shelves that make it easy to access everything in the cabinet without digging to find what you need. Choose from various shapes and sizes to fit your specific corner cabinet, including half-moon or full-circle designs.

Dishwasher Integrated into Cabinetry

If you're looking for a seamless look in your kitchen, consider integrating your dishwasher into your cabinetry. This means the dishwasher is hidden behind a cabinet door that matches the rest of your cabinets, creating a sleek, streamlined look.

Built-In Fridge

Another way to create a streamlined look in your kitchen is to choose a built in fridge. Built in fridges are built into your cabinetry, so it looks like just another cabinet! Unlike a freestanding fridge, a built-in fridge doesn't protrude from the cabinetry and has a flush look that enhances the kitchen's overall design. The sleek design and high-end appeal of these fridges make them a popular choice for homeowners who want to create a modern, cohesive look.

Pull-Out Bin & Recycling

Rubbish and recycling bins can take up a lot of valuable floor space in your kitchen, so adding pull-out containers to your cabinetry can free up square footage! These built-in bins come in various sizes and can be customised to fit any cabinet configuration so you can choose the right one for your space. This easy-to-use feature is also ideal for environmentally conscious households, as they encourage recycling and reducing waste.

Cupboard Extension Drawers

Cupboard extension drawers are a fantastic way to make the most of your cabinet space! These drawers pull out from your cabinet, giving you easy access to everything inside. They're beneficial for lower cabinets where it can be difficult to reach items at the back of the cabinet. Additionally, they're excellent for storing pots, pans and other large items.

If you're considering kitchen renovations or custom cabinetry, it's essential to work with a professional who can help you design and install the right features for your space. Our skilled team can assist you in choosing suitable parts and creating a design that meets your specific needs, budget and style. Get in touch with Coopers Joinery today at 07 4634 2333!


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